

想吃韓式超簡單! It is super easy to cook this Korean style chicken.

Ingridients:(2 to 4 people depends on how hungry you are. lol)

韓式辣椒醬(1湯匙)   Korean spicy BBQ sauce (1 Table Spoon)

洋蔥(半顆)             Onion(half)

雞肉塊/條              Chicken stir fry pieces or strips (400-500g)

沙拉油(不沾鍋1茶匙) Oil (1 tea spoon with non-stick wok)

高湯/水(半杯)         Chicken stock or Water (half cup)



1.用1湯匙韓式辣椒醬醃雞肉 Use 1TS Korean BBQ sauce to manrinate the chicken.

2.熱鍋加油下洋蔥絲 Heat up the oil in a wok with medium heat and then fry the shredded onion.

3.洋蔥炒香炒軟後放入雞肉拌炒至半熟 Fry the onion until soft then fry the manrinated chicken together until chicken half cooked

4.加入半杯高湯或水煮滾後關小火煮3分鐘 Add half cup of chicken stock or water into the wok, turn down the heat to simmer for another 3min after boiled.

完成 Done!

韓味辣子雞配飯,炒青菜,煎蛋 就是簡單快速的一餐囉

Korean spicy chicken with rice, fried or steamed cabbage and fried egg with soft york. Wonderful!




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